Verify The Businesses You Partner With

Secured and accurate identity verification for entities

Boost Efficiency

Say goodbye to time-consuming manual entity verification processes and embrace automation for swift results

Exponential Growth

Enable feet on the street networks to speedily onboard themselves and customers to chase sales targets

Smooth Onboarding

Onboard customers regardless of connectivity and device specifications

Stay Compliant

Trust a solution that aligns with global regulations and industry standards

Uncover Insights

Get access to entity details such as particulars of directors, tax payments and financial health with a single click

Reliable Partnerships

Experience dedicated support to help you succeed

Enhance Security

Protect your data and maintain a secure verification environment

What We Offer

Know More

Document Verification

AI-powered document data extraction and verification against application to review potential tampering

Government Database Check

AI-powered document data extraction and verification against application to review potential tampering


OCR match against names, addresses and date of birth

KYC of Authorized Signatories and UBO

Reduce the turnaround time for entity onboarding and digitally verify all authorized signatories and UBOs


Prevent money laundering by ensuring entities are not on any sanctions or watchlists

Adverse Media Screening

Check for any negative press and brand risks associated with entities

The Jukshio
KYB Advantage

Advanced Data Analytics

Our platform analyzes data from a wide range of sources and detects tampering or forging of documents at the pixel level

Multi layer Security

A multi-layer security approach that safeguards your sensitive data throughout the verification process by implementing encryption, real-time monitoring and robust authentication protocols

Seamless Integration

Our seamless integration and low code solutions enable minimum coding efforts from your in-house developers

Exceptional Customer Support

Count on our dedicated customer support team for technical guidance and implementation assistance

Tailored To The Local Context

From proprietary mom and pop shops to conglomerates, onboard your customers with confidence

Rest assured and onboard the right entity

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